Avoid Drugs, bright your future

Beware and Avoid Drugs for a Better Tomorrow
Healthy young people are young people who are free from drugs and drugs. Drugs are an extension of Narcotics and Drugs or dangerous substances. Another term used is drug which stands for Narcotics, Psychotropic and Addictive Substances. Drugs or drugs are substances / substances / drugs when entering the body, especially the brain / central nervous system, causing health, physical, psychological and social functions due to habits, addiction and dependence. Drug use can be done by: Rolled and burned Suck Drunk, swallowed and inhaled Injected into the body In recent years there have been many victims of young people who have been trapped by drugs as a result of drug abuse. Someone does not just experience drug dependence, but gradually. First, it begins with an experimental factor, where someone tries to use drugs, such as trying to smoke or drinking alcohol. Feeling there is a pleasant effect, then repeat it again and keep repeating it so that it enters the habituation stage to the stage (dependence) which eventually leads to overdose. Both are influenced by individual factors, in addition to fun and trial and error, there is also the hope of obtaining enjoyment from the effects of existing drugs, or to avoid perceived pain or discomfort, both physical pain (such as cancer sufferers or other diseases) and psychic, such as stress due to breakups, bad achievements, depression, or conflict with parents. Third, it is influenced by social factors and environmental factors. For someone the hardest thing to feel is the peer pressure to be accepted or recognized in the group. Drugs turned out to have a lot of negative effects, especially in the younger generation who are not aware of the dangers of drugs. These negative effects include: Habitualis makes the wearer always imagined so that they tend to seek and miss. Make drug users recover from relapse. Addictive makes the wearer unable to stop, the habit of using drugs, because it causes tremendous pain. Dosage tends to increase. Repeated use has the effect of not having the effect of drugs. So that users always increase the dose so they can enjoy the effects of drugs. In addition to having a negative effect, there are also other effects arising from drug abuse, including: Health effects: Nervous system disorders, heart and blood vessel function, skin, lungs, headaches, nausea and vomiting, liver damage and difficulty sleeping. It can also have adverse effects on reproductive health such as disturbances in reproductive device function, fertility and pregnancy disorders in the form of disability in the fetus, low infant babies, disabled babies and miscarriages. High risk of transmission of HIV-AIDS virus to drug use with needles. Impact of death: due to consumption exceeding a safe dose (overdose) Social impact: decreased performance and performance, increased violations of law / crime and social problems, can destroy the future of the nation. In general, the characteristics of someone who has used drugs can be easily recognized by the symptoms that arise from changes in a person's attitude and behavior, especially usually Drug use usually likes to be alone, fear of light, empty eyes, runny eyes and nose, continued yawning, lazy to bathe (opiate), depression (amfetamine), convulsions (in alcohol or sedatives), hygiene / self-care not maintained, injection marks on the arm / other body parts. To prevent us from being trapped by drugs can be started from ourselves. Therefore, things that need to be known so that we are always protected from drugs include: Never approach drugs because of fun or just trial and error. Always remember that storing, using, and distributing drugs will deal with the law. Always selective in choosing friends to hang out, choose those who can have a positive influence on us. If you are stressed, failed or affected by the problem then get closer to God and do positive things. Always increase faith by learning religious teachings. Avoid "suspect friends" and remember that the pleasure obtained from drugs is false and will end in disaster and death. In general, drugs are divided into 3 types, namely: narcotics, psychotropic substances and other addictive substances: Narcotics Narcotics are substances or drugs originating from plants or non-synthetic or semisynthetic plants that can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to relieve pain, and can cause dependence (RI Law No. 22 of 1997) Narcotics are divided into 3 groups: Narcotics class I: is the most dangerous narcotics, where the addictive power is very high causes dependence. Examples: marijuana, heroin, morphine and putauw Narcotics class II: is a narcotics that has strong addictive power, but is useful for treatment and research. Example: petidine, and derivatives, benzetidine, betamethadol. Class III narcotics: is narcotics that have mild addictive power, but can be useful for treatment and research. Example: codeine and derivatives. Psychotropic Psychotropic is a substance or drug, both natural and synthetic not narcotics, which is psychoactive through selective influence on the central nervous system which causes a typical change in mental activity and behavior (RI Law No.5 of 1997) Psychotropic types consist of: Psychotropic group I: can only be used for the benefit of science and is not used in therapy and has a very strong potential to cause dependency syndrome. (example: ecstasy, meth, LSD) Psychotropic class II: medicinal efficacy and can be used in therapy, and / or the purpose of science and has strong potential to cause dependency syndrome. (example: amphetamine, methylphenidate or ritalin) Group III psychotropics: medicinal efficacy is used in therapy for the purpose of science and has a potential level of causing dependency syndrome. (example: pentobarbital, flunitrazepam) Psychotropic group IV: medicinal efficacy is used in therapy for the purpose of science and has a mild potential level resulting in dependency syndrome. (Example: diazepam, bromazepam, phenobarbital, clonazepam, klordiazepoxide, nitrazepam, such as BK pills, Koplo pills, Rohip, Dum, MG) Other addictive substances Addictive substances are substances other than narcotics and psychotropic substances that can cause dependence on the wearer, including: Alcoholic beverages, which contain ethanol which serves to slow down the work of the central nervous system, slow down motor reflexes, suppress heart rate breathing and interfere with reasoning and judgment. Inhalants (inhaled gas) and solvents (solvents), among others: glue, thinner, nail polish remover, gasoline, tobacco use containing nicotine, in teenagers (penetrating) into narcotics abuse. Considering that the impact that drugs can cause will make us younger generation to be more vigilant, careful and aware, and never touch drugs just because of curiosity or just trial or error or because of pride in a particular individual or group just because they want to be recognized by an individual or group. In essence, drugs are a poison, where once we use them we will find it difficult to find a cure. Be a healthy young generation with a better future without drugs. Are you ready? ............. Ok! Say No To Drug's .............................!
